
The Study in Japan Virtual Fair has ended. Thank you very much for your participation.

Japan Time

Videos of the live sessions are now available on our YouTube channel.

Shimane University

Shimane University was established as a national university in 1949 and has two campuses: Matsue Campus and Izumo Campus. Matsue Campus offers six faculties, including those of Law and Literature, Education, Human Sciences, Materials for Energy, Life and Environmental Sciences, Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering, and graduate schools affiliated with these faculties. Izumo Campus houses the faculty of Medicine and the Graduate School of Medical Research. Globalization is paramount at the university. Since 2018, UNESCO Chair, one of educational activities initiated by UNESCO, was installed, also new partnerships with the University of Oxford have been undertaken and it brought us a specialty steel research center culminated. Overseas student enrollment has increased in recently due to globalization, especially for graduate schools. The university also provides job hunting support to international students, which caters to diverse job opportunity preferences. Aid exists for large-scale companies that represent Japan, in addition to traditional industries. Shimane University is working on SDGs to solve issues in Japan and globally. Our university is a comprehensive institution, and can meet the diverse research needs of international students. Shimane University also offers a bilingual education course in the Faculty of Science and Engineering. In this course, students take classes in the Faculty of Science and Engineering in English for one and two years after admission, and at the same time receive intensive Japanese language education. Thereafter, students receive advanced specialized education mainly in Japanese. In order to take the examination for this course, students need to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N4 level or higher and have a sufficient TOEFL or IELTS score. Shimane University’s undergraduate entrance examination does not require a visit to the university for the test. The Graduate Schools of Natural Science and Technology and Medical Research offer several degree programs in English, so please consider applying.

Type of

Science/Engineering/Agriculture, Fisheries and Vet Med/Medical and Health Sciences
※Includes Degree Courses offered in English

Humanities/Social Sciences/Science/Engineering/Agriculture, Fisheries and Vet Med/Medical and Health Sciences


Live Session

Time 12:40-13:10
Live Session's
12:40~12:55(JST)Information Session【For undergraduate and graduate admission】
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Zoom link Live Sessions Schedule