
The Study in Japan Virtual Fair has ended. Thank you very much for your participation.

Japan Time

Videos of the live sessions are now available on our YouTube channel.

Yokohama National University

5 Reasons to Study at YNU 1.YNU conducts cutting-edge research. 2.YNU offers practical education. 3.YNU is an ideal place to study and live. 4.YNU is supportive. 5.YNU is cost effective. YNU values international students and the diversity they bring to our campus. We have years of experience in hosting enthusiastic international students and researchers. As a result, there is a range of languages, culture, religions, and values in YNU, as well as systems and environments in place to harness such diversity and enrich campus life for all. Together with international students, YNU will continuously strive to be a vibrant educational hub with a diverse student body, and will continue to disseminate world-class educational and research achievements to create a better future. Contents of the live session: *Subject to change Overview of YNU YOKOHAMA Socrates Program in the College of Urban Sciences Other Programs Q&A

Type of

Science/Engineering/Agriculture, Fisheries and Vet Med/Medical and Health Sciences
※Includes Degree Courses offered in English

Humanities/Social Sciences/Life Sciences/Interdisciplinary Studies/Education(Teacher Training incl.)/Art/Science/Engineering/Agriculture, Fisheries and Vet Med/Medical and Health Sciences


Live Session

Time 14:40-15:10
Live Session's
Contents of the live session:
Overview of YNU
YOKOHAMA Socrates Program in the College of Urban Sciences
Graduate Program in the field of Economics
Graduate Program in the field of Civil Engineering
Perks ×
Zoom link Live Sessions Schedule